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      Prayers are powerful tool to help you heal your life.    

              Please note:     Prayers can be said mentally, aloud or in writing. 





Prayers to Conceive a Baby

Dear God

We have so much love to give, and my spouse and I want to share our love with a baby.  We ask that you and the angels help us conceive.  Please send on of your highest and happiest souls into our life, and let this being become our baby child.  Thank you


Prayer to Heal Parent-Child Relationships

Dearest God

Please help my child and me have a harmonious relationship.  I ask your help in healing any fears that interfere with my child and me expressing love to one another.  Please help my child to focus and feel happy.  Please help my child accept me and my circumstances.  I ask that you and the angels help my child and me release our forgiveness and resentment.  Please help us have a loving and close relationship.  Amen


Prayer for Childhood Behavioural Issues

Dear God

Please help me understand my child.  I ask that you surround my child with love, wisdom, and intelligence.  Please help my child understand and accept responsible for his/her behaviour.  I ask that you guide my child to make intelligent choices based upon love, not fear, I ask that you and Archangel Michael please clear my child of any attachments or blocks that could be interfering his/hers happiness.  Thank you



Prayer to Heal Family Relationships

Dear God

I know that my family member and I both have guardian angels.  I ask that these guardian angels help us heal our issues and misunderstandings.  Please help as release any anger or forgiveness.  I ask that all effects of our mistakes be lifted and forgotten by everyone involved.  Please help me release any judgement I may be carrying toward myself or others.  I ask that our guardian angels clearly give us your directions, knowing that your will for us is peace.  Thank you


Prayer for a Family Member

Dearest God

Please help my family member feel peace and happiness at this time.  I ask that you send my family member extra angels to comfort him/her.  Please surround our entire family with an extra cushion of Your Divine Love.  Help us to relax and to have faith and trust.  Please give us a sign of Your Divine love.  Help us to relax and to have faith and trust.  Please give us a sign of Your Love so that we may release our fears.  Thank You for all of Your healing love.


Prayer for a Friendship That Is Ending

Beloved Creator,

I know, deep down, that my friendship with ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________ is ending.  I ask Your help to accept this transition with grace and peace.  I ask that You and the angels help me be honest in a loving way, with myself, and with my friend.  Please help me be true to myself so that my actions stem from love instead of from fear, guilt, or obligation.  Please comfort my friend so that we can both accept this change in a positive way. 


Prayer to attract New Friends

Dearest God,

I now see myself surrounded by loving friends with who I share much in common.  I can feel the presence of new friendships with like-minded souls, and I ask Your help in manifesting this vision.  Please guide me to meet new people who are positive, spiritually minded, health conscious, and fun.  Please help me to know that I deserve the love and attention of these new friends.  Thank you so much. 


Prayers for Healing Physical Body


Prayer for Health and Healing

Dear God,

I know that You created me in the perfect image and likeness of yourself.  I ask that you, Holy Spirit, and the archangel Raphael help me know and experience this health in my physical body.  I am willing to release all thoughts and behaviours that create the illusion of illness and pain.  I know that You are omnipresent, so therefore, |You exist in every cell in my body.  Please help me feel Your love in my physical body so that I can know that you cradle me in your arms right now.  Ames.


Prayer for a Loved One’s Health

Beloved God,

Thank You for sending the Archangel Raphael and the healing angels to my loved one’s bedside.  I now see that You, Holy Spirit, Raphael, and the angels are embracing my loved one.  I picture my loved one smiling and feeling well.  I know that in truth, my loved one is well right now, and I ask for Your continued help so that we may realize this peace and health in our daily experience.  Thy will be done. 


Prayer for Weight and Appetite

Dearest God,

Today, I have set my intention that my appetite for food be solely for healthful and light foods and beverages.  I am willing to release any fears that would make me want to overeat.  I know that You are guiding me in every moment of my life, including the times when I eat and drink.  I ask that you continue to bless me with Divine wisdom and peace so that all of my decisions about consuming food and beverages will come from my higher self.  Thank You, and Amen.  


 Please add or rewrite the message in the prayers to fit your specific circumstances.

                             From “THE ESSENTIALS DOREEN VIRTURE COLLECTION”

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